Ethiopian stakeholders
Disclaimer: This is a prototype of a LSC-IS hub for Ethiopia that will be hosted by Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR). This may not represent the final version as this depends on the design by EIAR. The goal of this prototype is to test the proposed functionalities and to obtain feedback.
On January 23, 2023 in Adama, Ethiopia, Land Soil Crop- Information Services’s (LSC Hubs) lead Ethiopian project partner Ethiopian Institute for Agriculture Research (EIAR) co-hosted a national stakeholders’ gathering on the topic of how information hubs for climate-smart land, soil and crop data can contribute to rural transformation. The event attracted more than 60 governmental, private business, and development partners with a vested interest in creating, sharing and disseminating agricultural knowledge and innovation. See the list of stakeholders below.
This list is in progress and new stakeholder are still being added. If you are engaged with the project and would like to be added, please email Emily Toner at
Stakeholders are categorised by:
Development Partners
Vision: We work to shape a future worth living around the world. Acts: manage change, provide know-how, develop solutions, act as an intermediary, are value-driven, advise policymakers, secure results, are a global player, corporate Values (sustainability)
The IFAD country programme has two main objectives:
- improved resilience and productivity of ecosystems and livelihoods through improved management of natural resources, particularly water; 2) expanded linkages with the private sector to ensure increased and sustained access to markets, finance and agricultural technology. Key areas of investment include: 1) small-scale irrigation development; 2) sustainable natural resource management; 3) rural financial inclusion; 4) community-driven development among pastoral groups; 5) knowledge exchange through partnerships with the private sector, research institutions and other developing countries.
Vision: Influence, encourage and assist societies to conserve the integrity and diversity of nature and ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable. How: Broad membership also means they can incubate ideas and are a trusted repository of best practices, tools and international standards. They provide a neutral space in which governments, NGOs, scientists, businesses, local communities, indigenous peoples’ organisations and others can work together to solve environmental challenges and achieve sustainable development. Working with many partners and supporters, IUCN implements a large and diverse portfolio of conservation projects worldwide. These projects combine the latest science with traditional knowledge of local communities to work to reverse habitat loss, restore ecosystems and improve people’s well-being.
Aim: Tree program is to provide not only short-term income opportunities but also long-term benefits, such as soil health improvements and erosion control, so that farmers build resilience over time. Working also on: 1) Building a unique model for quality community-based crop seed production and multiplication. 2) Equipping private entrepreneurs and government nurseries to grow coffee seedlings for sale to farmers. They expect this to benefit women in particular. 3) Testing new fruit tree offerings (such as avocado, moringa, coffee, neem, papaya, mango) in our network of agroforestry research sites. 4) Engaging with a malt factory and two cooperatives to kick start quality malt barley production in Amhara. 5) Exploring carbon sales as a way to cover program costs, add value to farmers’ tree planting and support local government initiatives
Vision: A world in which all people can exercise their right to lead a self-determined life in dignity and justice, free of hunger and poverty. How: fights against global hunger and for sustainable food security. This includes promoting site-oriented agriculture, access to clean water, environmentally friendly energy supplies and improving health and education:
- Clean Water - Accessible through Boreholes
- More Girls Graduating
- Defying the Droughts
- First Things First: Water, Food, and Shelter
- Building the Capacity of Local Organisations to Provide Humanitarian Aid
- Maintaining Livelihoods by Protecting Livestock
- Protecting Forests to Stop Desertification
- Dietary Abundance and Diversity
- Lobbying for Land Rights
- Land for Life: Lobbying for Land Rights and Reforms
- Implementing Fair Land Ownership
At SNV, we want to see a world where across every society, all people live with dignity and have equitable opportunities to thrive sustainably.
Our world is changing with dramatic speed: from pandemics to conflicts to environmental crises, hundreds of millions of people still lack access to energy, food, and water. And we know that development progress is not yet reaching everyone.
That’s why, driven by the Sustainable Development Goals, we aim to strengthen capacities and catalyse partnerships that can transform the agri-food, energy, and water systems. Our projects directly benefit millions of people across Africa and Asia. They contribute to true systems transformation, while promoting gender equality and social inclusion, facilitating climate adaptation and mitigation, and strengthening institutions and effective governance.
Their vision is a world where wetlands are treasured and nurtured for their beauty, the life they support and the resources they provide. Their mission is to inspire and mobilise society to safeguard and restore wetlands for people and nature. Their strategic framework guides us towards achieving healthy wetlands, resilient wetland communities, and reduced climate risks across three “streams” of work or wetland landscapes: coasts and deltas, rivers and lakes, and peatlands. They measure their progress across these three streams according to the following six types of desired outcomes:
- Wetland habitats and functions safeguarded and restored:
- Wetland species recovered
- Water and food secured for wetland communities
- Reduced societal conflict and displacement from wetlands
- Wetland carbon stores secured and enhanced
- Wetland nature-based solutions integrated into infrastructure
Farmer Organisations
Mission: Providing better services: at fair price, required time and amount in which members competent enough in free market with providing better price to their products. How:
- Purchase Agricultural inputs & distribute to its members. (improved seeds, Agro-chemicals & farm machineries)
- Marketing of members product
- Credit service
- Training and education for members BOD & staff
- Tractor rental service
- Audit service to members
- Distributing consumer goods
- Crop insurance coverage
- Participating on other social affairs
- Storage and marketing information service
- Transportation service
- Seed cleaning
- Marketing of members seed product
- To generate revenue for members
Mission: 1) Ensuring efficient and effective supply of input; 2)Achieving better market price through increasing bargaining power and implementing value adding activities; 3) Providing different services which are important for farming and better-off livelihood; 4) Creating a self reliant cooperative organization for surrounding farmers. Activities: Distribution of agricultural input, Marketing of farmers produce, Import and export, Processing, Seed multiplication and preparation, Tractor rental service, Training services, Credit service, Transport service, Meeting hall services, Secretarial service, Crop insurance service, Distribution of chicken to the Farmers
Knowledge Institutions
Mission: Fostering the Development of a Nationally Recognized AI Ecosystem to Empower and Inspire a Nation for Peace and Prosperity with the most Trusted Analytics. Duties:
- Provide research-based artificial intelligence services and products
- Set national infrastructure that enables artificial intelligence research and development programs.
- Formulate national Artificial intelligence related policies, legislation, and regulatory frameworks
- Create an eco-system that enables public-private interconnectivity and co addition,
- Support private initiatives on artificial intelligence research, development, and deployment
- Make sure that artificial intelligence service the defense and national security-related decision-making process,
- Ensure that artificial intelligence support socio-economic programs such as health, education, agriculture, and utilities.
- Enables artificial intelligence to support decision making process on urban administration, land administration, national disaster - prevention and environmental hazards.
- Facilitate national database development and utilization
- Help human resource development on the area in collaboration higher institutions
- Own property, enter into contracts, sue and be sued in its own name
- Performs other duties related to its objectives
Mission: Arsi University strives to bring sustainable development through practice-based teaching-learning process and conducting problem-solving research in collaboration with industries. Vision: Becoming one of the most known and chosen Applied Science universities in East Africa by 2030
Private sector
Company is divided in multiple clusters. I have focused on Agriculture and Agro-processing Cluster. They focus on Coffee Tea, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Crops, Fruits and Vegetables, Cut Flowers, Forest Honey, Spices, Poultry Products, Meat Products
Public sector
Mission: “Provide Agricultural inputs and technologies that should considerably improve production and productivity, boost modern farms and Agro-Industries at very competitive price to make the economic development of the nation grow fast.” The purpose for are:
- to buy from domestic and international markets and supply agricultural inputs, process same; undertake agricultural inputs market price stabilization activities;
- to render agricultural mechanization services, agricultural and construction equipment repair services and provide rental services of agricultural machineries and transport vehicles;
- to buy from domestic and international markets and supply agricultural machineries and spare parts, construction equipment and agro-chemicals;
- to provide necessary education for promotion of the use of modern agricultural machineries; provide consultancy service in handling and use of agricultural machineries and provide on the job technical trainings;
- to harvest, buy, value add to and process natural gum, produce other forest products, and supply to domestic and international markets;
- Coordinate activities to ensure that the environmental objectives provided under the Constitution and the basic principles set out in the Environmental Policy of the Country are realized;
- Establish a system and follow up implementation for undertaking environmental impact assessment or strategic environmental assessment on social and economic development polices, strategies, laws, programs and project set by the government or Privet;
- Prepare a mechanism that promotes social, economic and environmental justice and channel the major part of benefit derived thereof to the affected communities to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases that would otherwise have resulted from deforestation and forest degradation;
- Coordinate actions on soliciting the resources required for building a climate resilient green economy in all sectors and at all Regional levels; as well as provide capacity building support and advisory services;
- Establish a system for evaluating and decision making, in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment Proclamation, the impacts of implementation of investment programs and projects on environment prior to approvals of their implementation by the concerned sectoral licensing organ or the concerned regional organ;
- Prepare programmes and directives for the synergistic implementation and follow up of environmental agreements ratified by Ethiopia pertaining to the natural resources base, desertification, forests, hazardous chemicals, industrial wastes and anthropogenic environmental hazards with the objective of avoiding overlaps, wastage of resources and gaps during their implementation in all sectors and at all governance levels;
- Take part in the negotiations of international environmental and climate change agreements and, as appropriate, initiate a process of their ratification; play key role in coordinating the nationwide responses to the agreements;
- coordinate, and as may be appropriate, carry out research and technology transfer activities that promotes the sustainability of the environment and the conservation and use of forest as well as the equitable sharing of benefits accruing from them while creating opportunities for green jobs;
- Establish a system for development and utilization of small and large scale forest including bamboo on private, communal and watershed areas, and ensure implementation of same;
- Establish a system to rehabilitate degraded forest lands and ensure its implementation to enhance their environmental and economic benefits.
Vision: Facilitate the utilization of the geoscience data of Ethiopia for developing the country’s mineral resources, so as to contribute as much as possible to its economic growth. Goal: Improve the quality and coverage of the geoscience data of the country.
Mission: To protect and promote the health of the Ethiopian people by addressing priority public health and nutrition problems through problem-focused research, public health emergency management, establishing and maintaining a quality laboratory system. How: Objective 1: Research and technology transfer Objective 2: Increase the availability of vaccines, plant- based medicines, complementary foods and other biological products Objective 3: Public Health Emergency Management Objective 4: Public Health Laboratory Service Objective 5 Research and Technology Transfer Objective 6: Increase problem solving research on disease, nutrition, traditional medicine and modern drugs Objective 7: Improve research on health system and intervention evaluation Objective 8: Enhance the production of vaccines, standardized plant based medicine and food product Objective-9 Public Health Emergency Management Objective-10. Improve risk identification and PHE preparedness Objective 11: Public Health Laboratory Service Objective 12: Improve the diagnostic capacity of laboratories Finance Objective 13 Management and Leadership Objective 14: Improve human resource management Objective 15: Improve project management system Objective-16: Strengthen the capacity of technical facilities Objective-17. Enhance coordination and collaboration
Mission: Building modern technology and capable human resource so as to develop the nation’s potential of the sector and hence produce sugar, sugar bi-products and co-products and satisfy the domestic market beyond taking foreign market share and thereby support the nation’s economy. How:
- Follow up and monitor the execution of new as well as existing feasible public sugar projects and commission such projects as independently – operating sugar mill;
- Create a modern and efficient distribution system for locally manufactured and imported sugar, sugar by-products and co-products and ensure effective distribution of such products in the domestic market as well as export such products where appropriate;
- Approve the operating budget, the investment plan and budget of state owned sugar mills as well as monitor, follow-up and evaluate their periodic performance;
- Support trade and investment activities of state owned sugar factories and collaborate with same in the building of sugar byproduct and co-product processing plants;
- Submit proposal to the Minister of Finance on amount of annual income from sugar sale that state owned sugar mills are allowed to retain for the purpose of determining their contribution to the sugar fund in accordance with Article 4 of the Sugar Industry Development Fund and implement same upon approval;
- Facilitate capacity building activities in favor of state owned sugar factories, by strengthening university industry linkages for training and research as well as provide same with business advice and other technical support;
- Manufacture factory components and spare parts independently or in partnership with local or foreign companies and carryout from inside or outside Ethiopia, bulk procurements of large machinery, spare parts and various inputs that are of common requirement to sugar factories under a framework contract and supply same to state owned sugar mills;
- Raise finance capital by selling bonds or negotiating and entering into a loan agreement with local or foreign financial institutions in accordance with the policy direction and directives issued by the Ministry of Finance;
Vision: To see Ethiopian children being free from malnutrition. Goal: To end stunting in children under two by 2030. Mission: Seqota Declaration works to end stunting in Ethiopia for children less than two years through effective coordination and collaboration of sectors, communities and development partners, focusing on high impact nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive interventions and social behavior change communications with special consideration for cross-cutting issues such as gender mainstreaming, environment and integrated community development approaches.
Objective: investigate and study the weather and climatic condition of Ethiopia in order to exploit the beneficial effects for economic and social development. How:
- To carry out the tasks of fulfilling these national needs and discharging international obligations regarding meteorology. To establish and operate a national network of meteorological stations.
- Disseminate advice and educational information to public on weather on regarding meteorological issues.
- Provide meteorological services to all stakeholders. Collaborators and the general public.
- Provide advice and early warnings regarding the adverse effects weather and climate to pertinent institutions and the general public.
- Fulfill international treaties that Ethiopia had ratified in the area of meteorology.