The project team

Meet the project team

Wageningen University & Research

Wageningen University & Research

Netherlands  ›   Website

Wageningen University & Research is a collaboration between Wageningen University and Wageningen Research with three core areas of research carried out internationally: 1) food, feed & biobased production, 2) natural resources & living environment and 3) society & well-being.


Frank van Weert

Project manager at Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation

LSC Hubs project role: Project manager, Advisor institutional embedding of hub in AKIS in Rwanda

Pascal Debons

Project manager at Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation

LSC Hubs project role: Project manager

Herman Snel

Rural Innovation and Livelihoods Advisor at Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation

LSC Hubs project role: Advisor institutional embedding of hub in AKIS in Ethiopia

Esther Koopmanschap

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Advisor at Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation

LSC Hubs project role: Strategic advisor for Communications and PMEAL

Eunice Likoko

Policy advisor Gender and Nutrition at Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation

LSC Hubs project role: Advisor institutional embedding of hub in AKIS in Kenya

Flo Dirks

Agro-economic Advisor at Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation

LSC Hubs project role: Advisor financial sustainability hubs

Hermine ten Hove

Advisor Seed Sector and digitalization in agriculture

LSC Hubs project role: Responsible for PMEAL

Arnab Gupta

Advisor Seed Sector and digitalization in agriculture

LSC Hubs project role: Strategic advisor on digitalization in AKIS

Aad Kessler

Researcher sustainable land management at Wageningen Environmental Research

LSC Hubs project role: Work Package 5 researcher

Hanneke Heesmans

Scientific researcher at Wageningen Environmental Research

LSC Hubs project role: Work package 5 leader

Carlos Brazao Vieira Alho

Researcher in Sustainable Land Use at Wageningen Environmental Research

LSC Hubs project role: WP5 focal point Ethiopia

Mark van der Poel

Sustainable Farming Systems Researcher at Wageningen Environmental Research

LSC Hubs project role: WP5 focal point Kenya

ISRIC - World Soil Information

ISRIC - World Soil Information

Netherlands  ›   Website

ISRIC - World Soil Information is an independent foundation and a custodian of global soil information which they produce, gather, compile and serve together with our partners at global, national and regional levels.


André Kooiman

Senior sustainable land management expert at ISRIC

LSC Hubs project role: Scientific coordinator

Zhanguo Bai

Senior soil and land degradation assessment expert at ISRIC

LSC Hubs role: Input in soil and water conservation use case

Luis Calisto

Database development expert at ISRIC

LSC Hubs role: Support for spatial data infrastructure, in task 3.4 and Task 3.5.

Betony Colman

Junior GIS Technician at ISRIC

LSC Hubs role: Support in LSC mapping in task 3.2 and 3.3

Giulio Genova

Digital soil mapping expert at ISRIC

LSC Hubs role: Task leader 3.1 Data compilation, support mapping in task 3.2

Paul van Genuchten

Spatial data infrastructures expert at ISRIC

LSC Hubs project role: Support for spatial data infrastructure, PMEAL dashboard in Task 3.1, Task 3.4 and Task 3.5.

Bas Kempen

Senior digital soil mapping expert at ISRIC

LSC Hubs project role: Digital Soil Mapping, input in Task 3.2, Task 3.3, Task 3.4 and Task 3.6

Johan Leenaars

Soil science expert at ISRIC

LSC Hubs project role: Input in soil fertility use case

Laura Poggio

Senior digital soil mapping and remote sensing expert at ISRIC

LSC Hubs project role: Task leader 3.2 LSC mapping and task leader 3.3 Soil Functional mapping

Maria Ruperez Gonzalez

Digital soil mapping and GIS expert at ISRIC

LSC Hubs project role: Support in LSC mapping in task 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3

Silvana Summa

Communications manager at ISRIC

LSC Hubs project role: Communications coordinator

Ulan Turdukulov

Senior spatial data infrastructures expert at ISRIC

LSC Hubs project role: Task leader 3.4 Architectural Design, and task leader 3.5 System building

Judy Willems

Secretary at ISRIC

LSC Hubs project role: Secrectary, coordination support

Thaïsa van der Woude

Project coordinator at ISRIC

LSC Hubs project role: Work package 3 coordinator/lead

International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)

International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)

The Netherlands  ›   Website

International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) works for better lives through livestock in developing countries. ILRI is a CGIAR research centre, co-hosted by Kenya and Ethiopia, and provides global research partnership for a food-secure future.


John Recha

Participatory Action Research

LSC Hubs project role: Project manager at ILRI

Dawit Solomon

Regional program leader

LSC Hubs project role: Work-packages scientific coordinator

Brook Tesfaye Makonnen

Communications and Knowledge Management Lead

LSC Hubs project role: Communication support

Maren Radeny

Science Officer

LSC Hubs project role: Needs assessment and LSC-hub design and use at national level in Rwanda

Abonesh Tesfaye

Senior Research Associate

LSC Hubs project role: Needs assessment and LSC-hub design and use at national level in Ethiopia

Gebermedihin Ambaw

Research Associate

LSC Hubs project role: Needs assessment and LSC-hub design and use at national level in Kenya

Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)

Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)

Ethiopia  ›   Website

As a national research institute, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR) aspires to see improved livelihood of all Ethiopians engaged in agriculture, agro-pastoralism, and pastoralism through market-competitive agricultural technologies.


Girma Mamo

Principal investigator

Dejene Abera


Agronomy and soil fertility

Temesgen Desalegn

Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Organization (KALRO)

Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Organization (KALRO)

Kenya  ›   Website

Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) is a corporate body created under the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Act of 2013 to establish a framework for coordination of agricultural research in Kenya that is dynamic, innovative, responsive and well-coordinated.


Michael Okoti

Senior Researcher at KALRO

Environment and Sustainability

Elizabeth Adobi Okwuosa

Soil Scientist at KALRO

Boniface Akuku

CTO/IT Director at KALRO

Information systems, open data, open science and knowledge management

Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board (RAB)

Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board (RAB)

Rwanda  ›   Website

The Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board (RAB) champions the Rwandan agriculture sector into a knowledge-based, technology-driven and market-oriented industry, using modern methods in crop, animal, fisheries, forestry and soil and water management.


Dr Pierre Celestin Ndayisaba

Soil health and Nutrition senior research fellow

LSC Hubs project role: Rwanda coordinator

Dr Florence Uwamahoro

Deputy Director General in Charge of Agriculture Development

LSC Hubs project role: Overseeing Manager at RAB Senior Management level


International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Switzerland  ›   Website

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is a membership Union uniquely composed of both government and civil society organisations. By harnessing the experience, resources and reach of its more than 1,400 Member organisations and the input of some 15,000 experts, IUCN is the global authority on the status of the natural world and the measures needed to safeguard it.


Charles Karangwa

Jules Rutebuka

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)

Germany  ›   Website

The German Space Agency undertakes statutory tasks in the space sector on behalf of the German Federal Government. Within the scope of the tasks effectively assigned, they implement the space strategy of the Federal Government, develop and manage the national space programme, and represent the interests of the Federal Republic of Germany in space-related international bodies in accordance with the tasks assigned.


Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA)

Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA)

Africa  ›   Website

ASARECA is a not-for-profit inter-governmental sub-regional organization. ASARECA comprises 14 member countries: Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.


Blaise Amony

Program Officer, Capacity Development at ASARECA

LSC Hubs project role: Coordination and Capacity Development support

Genevieve Apio

Communication Officer at ASARECA

LSC Hubs project role: Communication support

Annet Wanyana

Interim Head of Finance

LSC Hubs project role: Finance suppor

Moses Odeke

Interim Head of Programs

LSC Hubs project role: Technical Support

World Agroforestry (ICRAF)

World Agroforestry (ICRAF)

Kenya  ›   Website

World Agroforestry is a centre of science and development excellence that harnesses the benefits of trees for people and the environment.


Ermias Betemariam

Land Health Scientist

LSC Hubs project role: Project lead

Weullow, Elvis

Senior Soil laboratory Enterprise Manager

LSC Hubs project role: Support project implementation particularly in the capacity building

Ann Wavinya

Communication assistant at ICRAF

LSC Hubs project role: Communicate project activities

Leigh Winowiecki

Leader, Land Health Decisions

LSC Hubs project role: Technical advisor