LSC Information Hub Ethiopia

Disclaimer: This is a prototype of a LSC-IS hub for Ethiopia that will be hosted by Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR). This may not represent the final version as this depends on the design by EIAR. The goal of this prototype is to test the proposed functionalities and to obtain feedback.

This is the homepage of the Land, Soil, Crop (LSC) Information Hub - Ethiopia [prototype].

The LSC hub is currently under development by the LSC-Hub project team. Check back regularly to find new content arriving.

You can provide feedback by contributing to hub discussions at the github repository

You can add and desribe new information by using the ODK form. You can access it by: LSC ODK form


Data is the heart of the hub. It provides evidence to trigger discussion or predictive models.

Read more about data in the hub

Predictive modelling

Distribution of environmental phenomena in time and space can be obtained using predictive modelling.

Read more about predictive modelling

Information services

Information services provide dedicated information derived from relevant data to a targeted audience.

Read more about information services.

Use cases

Stories highlight the capabilities of the hub for a number of use cases.

Read the LSC Use Cases


Which policies are relevant to the hub, and can the hub support policy development?

Read more

Hub community

Find out who participates in the hub community and what the community has to offer.