Ethiopia hub

Ethiopia Methodologies for LSC optimisation​

Disclaimer: This is a prototype of a LSC-IS hub for Ethiopia that will be hosted by Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR). This may not represent the final version as this depends on the design by EIAR. The goal of this prototype is to test the proposed functionalities and to obtain feedback.

This page provides a listing of resources on LSC optimization


EIAR aims to encourage, streamline, coordinate, and regulate crop, livestock, genetic resources, and biotechnology research in Ethiopia.


The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger. FAO provides educational materials:

Relevant PIP video’s:


WOCAT is a global network on Sustainable Land Management (SLM) that promotes the documentation, sharing and use of knowledge to support adaptation, innovation and decision-making in SLM.


ISRIC - World Soil Information is an independent foundation with a mission to serve the international community as a custodian of global soil information.

  • The ISRIC resource library contains a number of training materials and tools to improve data sharing in the Soil and SLM domain


MetaMeta is a social enterprise based in the Netherlands, deeply engaged in water and natural resources management. They provide a set of training materials, free apon registration.


The Land Portal Foundation creates, curates and disseminates land governance information by fostering an inclusive and accessible data landscape.


Increase an enabling environment for the farmers production goals

Shamba Shape-up

Advice on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) by The Mediae Company

One Acre Fund

The One Acre Fund empowers farmers for sustainable agricultural production


Combine local knowledge, field trips, AI-powered predictive modelling and remote sensing to monitor what’s happening on the ground.

e Farmers Hub

Link farmer to market advisory, inputs access and mechanization, powered by Syngenta Foundation

Plant Village Nuru

Help farmers diagnose crop diseases by Penn State University


Improve farmers resilience to agricultural risks


Trans-African Hydro-Meteorological Observatory (Tahmo) in Nairobi aims to develop a vast network of weather stations across Africa. Current and historic weather data is important for agricultural, climate monitoring, and many hydro-meteorological applications. Originates from the H2020 research project Twiga.

Farm to Market Alliance

FtMA is an Alliance of six agri-focused organizations (agra, bayer, yara, syngenta, rabobank, wfp). It’s aim is to Empower farmers for increased farm productivity, market access, networking and digitization of services, hosted by the Cereal Growers Association.

The Nutrition in City Ecosystems (NICE)

Agro-ecological production & market linkages for Poultry and Sweet potato value chains by Syngenta Foundation and Sustainable Agroecosystems Group.

Climate information provision by the meteorological department

Provision of climate information for prediction making


Provide timely location specific advice on soil nutrient management throughout the crops growth


Provide satellite-based data layers at scale relevant for water management, climate analysis and agriculture. Contributed to the WAPOR database hosted by FAO.


De-risks agricultural challenges due to climate change. Localized solutions to enable different value chain players to understand the risks involved in different phases of farming enterprise. Offer tailored solutions based on remote and field accessed data


Make the grain sub-sector more transparent in terms of supply and demand


Support farmers with livestock and crop production by connecting them to input providers


Complete soil & agronomic data pool that is both field specific and highly accurate - to support farm level decision making processes.


Allows users to make decisions on land suitability for crop production, the soil types and soil erosion risks, and supports decision making on sustainable land management practices.


Aims to help small agro dealers/retailers for agro inputs to run the shop more efficient by allowing them to manage their sales, prices and stocks 100% on the phone


Provide agro-advisories to all the farmers during a crop (most cereals and pulses) growing season

CABI Plantwise

Practical plant health and pest control information

Are you aware of additional materials on SLM approaches, you are invited to add them below.