World Soil Day celebration featured LSC Hubs research
Date: December 7, 2023 Author: Emily Toner (ISRIC) and Thaisa van der Woude (ISRIC)
LSC Hubs fieldwork research featured in the ISRIC World Soil Day celebration

Musefa led participants on a virtual excursion of his fieldwork in Central Ethiopia which is producing new soil data to enable climate-smart fertilizer recommendations. The goal of this fieldwork research is to measure rooted soil depth in the field as part of the Root Zone Plant Available Water Holding Capacity (RZ-PAWHC) and the individual rootability-limiting soil factors (constraints) for central Ethiopia.
Watch the virtual excursion Musefa provided below, and view the whole World Soil Day program here.
Learn more about the full ISRIC World Soil Day program here. and about World Soil Day in general on the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations website.